Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tutorial on Easy Tie Dye Nails!

Hey all! So this is going to be a tutorial on how to get easy tie dye nails! Its super fun and you can experiment with all different colors!

Step 1. Base coat your nails with a light color.

Step 2. pour 2 different nail polish colors (whichever ones you think go together) side by side.

Step 3. Take a fan brush (you can get these at any craft store) and dip it into both colors.

Step 4. Paint the colors on your nails.

Step 5. Clean up your nails with some polish remover and a q-tip, and presto! Easy and fun looking nails! :) Kudos to Neverland Nail Blog! This is such a great idea.

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Beauty Geek Chic

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